OSHA First Aid Memo Clarification - Part 1 of 3 "First Aid"
May 31, 2024Prefer to get this straight to your inbox?
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Do you encourage EARLY REPORTING or provide EARLY INTERVENTION? Check this out 👇
OSHA put out a memo May 2, 2024 to clarify Recordkeeping Regulation for certain first aid treatments.
This is video 1 of 3 because there is a lot of info in the memo to clarify.
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Balance Biomechanics uses first aid tools like heat, massage, self massage education, kinesiology tape, red light and preventative exercises with great success in reducing recordable MSDs
Do some cases provide first aid treatments over a long period of time and involve multiple applications? YES
Do some employers/providers push the boundaries of the intended care? YES
MY ADVICE to provide successful Early Intervention:
🔹inform employees about your process of early reporting on a regular basis (quarterly) and WHY you provide it (more than saving the company money)
🔹over inform on body education
🔹use the same individual professional to provide first aid care/education over the course of a case
Comment below if you have questions or knowledge to share.