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OSHA First Aid Memo Clarification - Part 3 of 3

May 31, 2024

👀 FINAL Thoughts of the May 2 OSHA Memo ⚠️❗️
Clarifying enforcement guidance of Early Intervention services

This is Part 3 of 3 because there’s a lot of info in the memo to clarify.
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Exercises and Stretching

Know the difference between THERAPEUTIC and PREVENTATIVE 

If you offer exercises or stretching and there is already an injury based on the general recording criteria, the offer becomes therapeutic and it’s officially recordable. 

🔹Document and reiterate, your Early Reporting process. Offer case studies and role play. 

🔹Document and communicate the details of your stretching program and preventative exercise program (if you have it) multiple times in written, verbal, and interpretative dance moves. Be redundant!

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