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Do You Have Next Level Skills?

life lessons mindset welness Sep 16, 2023

🏈 A Mother's Perspective of College Football: Next Level Skills as Prep for Real Life

As I watch my son immersed in his incredible journey of college football, I am in awe at the dedication, grit, and determination required for each season. These are next level skills that often require big sacrifice and a departure away from the usual college experience. 

Time: In the macro, football runs nearly all year.  Our son didn't get a senior summer (nor any summer) because he reports on June 1.  In the micro, the hours spent on the practice field, in the weight room, and studying the game in meetings are close to a full time job.  Knowing my son needs to manage his school time on top of this leaves me in awe. I realize though, that these organizational skills will serve him well as he enters the world beyond the football field.

Grit: Football is not just a sport; it's a test of character. At this next level, it's a different psychological game. In high school he was a star player always on the field and now, he needs to work so much harder to earn a spot on the travel team let alone the field. The resilience my son demonstrates when facing grueling 5:30am practices, intense workouts, and detailed nutrition requirements is truly inspiring. It's teaching him to persevere, no matter the odds, and I can already see how this determination will shape his future success.

Education: I'm immensely proud of the emphasis placed on education at his school. Balancing academic responsibilities with the demands of the football schedule is no small feat. My son does not love the classroom so witnessing his dedication to his studies while pursuing his playing passion has reinforced the importance of lifelong learning.

Teamwork: Throughout his life, football has shown my son the gift of teamwork and brotherhood. While working towards a common goal, each player is held accountable for their preparation, performance, and work ethic. Peak performance requires everyone from the coaching staff to the parents, supporters, and most of all, the players to do their part—no matter how big or small.  These lessons in collaboration and leadership will undoubtedly benefit him in all aspects of life.

As a mom, I love how playing football at the next level is shaping my son into a well-rounded individual.  No longer are my husband and I the ones preparing him for the challenges and triumphs of the real world. Our son will face long days and will be asked to overcome adversity. But, he will have the support of his brothers and coaches behind him each day. The qualities he's developing—dedication, discipline, and a strong work ethic—are the building blocks of a bright future.

To all the former athletes out there, take your past experience and use it in your present day careers. You not only found the value in your hard work and dedication; but also invaluable life lessons that you can put into action for years to come.  My guess is that you are not one to stand on idle, but rather chase down ways to challenge yourself and be better at work and at life. 

Much love my Ninjas!

#CollegeFootball #ProudMom #LifeLessons #Grit #Teamwork #TimeManagement #Education #Resilience #Motherhood 


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