Is Your Health House in Order?
Mar 01, 2021
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Mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual resilience takes consistency NOT perfection. (Thankfully, because I’m sure as heck not perfect)
Get consistent with your
๐คธโ๏ธ fitness
๐ฅฆ nutrition,
๐ sleep,
๐งโ๏ธmindset and
โ๏ธ path with God
and make yourself harder to kill ๐ฆ
Yes, it takes effort.
Having a village around you with the same goal really helps.
If you need someone in your corner or your interested in joining a badass community of ninja awesomeness, send a text to 720-704-4851
#health #wellness #mindset #personalresponsibility #movementismedicine #eatyourveggies #dontforgettequila #vitamind